Bill Gottfried recruited CEO's for two of the first commercial space technology companies that were established in the U.S., SPACEHAB, Inc. and Kistler Aerospace Corporation. SPACEHAB, Inc. developed human tended modules for the Space Shuttle; Kistler Aerospace Corporation designed and developed the first single-stage-to orbit launch vehicle. Our firm arranged private equity capital to support the development of SPACEHAB, Inc.'s human tended modules for the Space Shuttle.
Bill Gottfried recruited the President for the U.S. Division of Europe's largest launch vehicle company.
Gottfried International, Inc. developed the first hyperspectral imaging and remote sensing satellite system for the energy industry that provided for space-based hydrocarbon exploration. This system was designed to be one of the first commercial platforms for the International Space Station.
We developed partnerships with NASA, a leading satellite technology company, a leading remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging company, and a leading telecommunications company to support the design and development of this system.